Salvaging Accidentally Frozen Foods

Technology is a fickle thing; refrigerators are no exception. Sometimes when trying to keep all the food in the fridge chilled, the temperature doesn't get dispersed evenly and then you might be in for trouble.
More than once, my fridge has managed to freeze foods that I hadn't intended to freeze, leading me to shake my head in disbelief at all the potentially ruined good. Once foods have been frozen, they will rarely be the same again.

The Science Behind Freezer Ruined Foods

I'm not big into writing science on my blog, because, from what I see, people are less interested in the hows and the whys of things than in the fact that their expensive food just got ruined, but in this case, a little biology and chemistry will help you understand that that food doesn't need to go into the garbage.

When water freezes, because of its unique molecular structure, it expands. All living things are made up of cells, each consisting of a cellular wall and cytoplasm, among other things. Cytoplasm is water based, so when things comprised of cells get frozen, the cytoplasm expands and ruptures the cell walls, much like what happens when you put a glass bottle of water in the freezer- it bursts.
Since vegetables and fruit are built up of cells, when they've been frozen and their cell membranes rupture, they end up with a distinctly different texture. In essence, they loose their crispness and wilt.

When raw vegetables get frozen, either accidentally or on purpose, they will never be as they originally were. Cucumbers will become soggy, lettuce will become wilty, and carrots will become soft.

Salvaging Accidentally Frozen Foods

Some vegetables are often sold frozen. If they're sold that way, you can rest assured that your food won't be ruined by having been frozen. Examples of commonly frozen veggies and fruit are:
  • Corn
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Onions
  • Celery
If these foods, or any of their ilk, become frozen by a malfunctioning fridge, just pretend that you bought them frozen and leave it at that.

Basically he consistency of a frozen raw vegetable will usually be similar to that of a cooked vegetable.

To salvage an accidentally frozen vegetable, if you use it in a cooked dish, most of the time no one will know.
  • Use frozen peppers in ratatouille or tomato sauce or stuff them as you would fresh peppers.
  • Frozen cabbage works well in soup and stuffed cabbage.
  • Frozen zucchini works well in casseroles, soups, and sauces.
  • Frozen tomatoes work well in sauces and soups.
Some vegetables, like cucumbers and lettuce, are usually eaten raw. How can you salvage that?
  • Cucumbers can be cooked! When cooked, their texture is similar to that of pickles- slightly wilted. There are many cooked cucumber recipes out there. Frozen cucumbers can be used in all of them without a problem. With my last batch of accidentally frozen cucumbers, I made an absolutely divine cucumber and lentil curry. You may be skeptical at first about cooked cucumbers, but they're really good- I assure you!
  • Lettuce can also be cooked! If your lettuce gets wilted in the fridge, don't worry- it is still usable. Frozen lettuce (romaine) taste remarkably similar to spinach and can be used interchangeably in recipes.
Other foods that come to mind that slightly change their properties once frozen are milk and blended soups and gravies. 
  • Frozen milk may start separating slightly. This isn't the hugest deal and most of the time it is barely noticeable. If your milk has been changed because of freezing, use your milk to make yogurt or ricotta cheese or other recipes that involve separating curds from whey, as you're part way there already. Alternatively, use this milk in pancakes or other baked goods.
  • Blended thick soups and gravy often separate into solids and liquids when frozen. The quick way to salvage this is to just blend it again once defrosted and it'll be back to normal.
~ ~ ~
Some foods that aren't fixable once frozen. Potatoes, kohlrabi, and turnips end up with very unappetizing textures once frozen. Cooking, unfortunately, doesn't fix this. In cases like this, simply chuck the whole thing into a pan of water, bring to a boil and then strain once cooked. This way you'll still be able to retain the flavor and the nutrients from the food that you still find too gross to eat.

Does your refrigerator ever freeze some of your foods? What do you do then? Do you toss the food, fix the food, or do something else? 
What foods have you discovered do not survive a freezing?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


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  1. Just stumbled upon this great site. These are some great tips. I was really annoyed when a cucumber and tomato salad I made had frozen in just a few hours. Not really sure how to salvage that so I just ate it and winced at every bite. I would much rather fruits freeze as frozen fruit can easily be tossed into the blender to be made into a smoothie. Normally, accidently frozen foods in my fridge are lettuces which I usually just throw out. I will try your tip to substitute it for spinach and try a new recipe.

    1. For frozen tomatoes and cucumber try making a cool refreshing batch of gazpacho. Doubt it will make a difference as its almost a firm of vegetable smoothie

    2. You can add lettuce to any banana based fruity smoothie. Add figs, mangos, berries, and nutmilk. Even carrots and celery or raw potatoe chunks.!

  2. Milk is actually okay to freeze. The circular indents on the sides of a jug are actually intended for freezing so it has room to expand. If your milk accidentally freezes, thaw it and drink up! It's no different than when women are nursing and freeze their breast milk.

    As far as the lettuce goes, what happens if you were going to use it in a salad? Am I better off buying a new head?

    1. when i freeze milk i take some out if i

      learned the hard way cause it exploded in the freezer

    2. Milk in paper cartons can be frozen with no problems - I do it on purpose regularly. Just be sure it is completely thawed before using, and shake it well to mix the watery milk and the cream (fat). Otherwise you will use the cream first and leave the skim milk frozen. Milk in plastic jugs shouldn't be frozen or it may burst the jugs!!

    3. I have always put mill in freezer with no problem and never had a case were milk had exploded I've put it in in plastic always


  3. What about oranges? Is there any recipe for a frozen orange? I just ate one by cutting it in half and scooping it up with spoon.

    1. I love the simple cranberry sauce of a whole orange mixed with whole cranberries in the blender. You could easily use the frozen orange for this. You can freeze any citrus.

  4. A frozen orange can be turned into a fruit smoothie. Cut into smaller pieces, add milk, frozen or fresh fruit (berries, pineapple, mango) juice, yogurt and/or whatever else you want. Add some sugar or honey if not sweet enough and chop some ice in there if you want more texture. For some more fun, add ice cream and/or Caribbean rum :)

  5. what about winter squash?

    1. My cousin gave me some once that had frozen accidentally and there was no difference at all - they even kept as well as non-frozen ones!

  6. I had a couple of canned tomatoes freeze are they still good to eat and should I now keep them froze till ready to use?

  7. I had a few cans of Tomatoes freeze are they still good to use for cooking and also should I now keep them froze till ready to use?

  8. Stupidly stored a head of cauliflower on top shelf, about 3/4 of it froze. saw this page and decided to boil & mash, then added butter, cream cheese, salt & a LITTLE milk (about 2-3 Tbs). it came out great! so, in short, pureeing w/ a stick blender works wonders.

  9. I assume because im going to use my frozen squash in a soup. Ill be ok?

  10. I've diced white potatoes and frozen them on purpose before to use in potato soup. I didn't think it came out tasting bad at all!!

    1. it's not the taste, it's the texture.. if you don't cook them prior to freezing, they get spongy and rubbery....

  11. can you still use squash if it was frozen outside. Sadly to say, I forgot it outside and didn't bring them in (spaghetti and buttercup)

    1. I'm just about to try baking a winter squash (sweet dumpling) that was left out accidentally at 2 degrees! Frozen solid. I let it thaw overnight and now I'm going to pop it in the oven at 375 for an hour. No idea if it will be palatable... but I have several so thought I'd at least give it a try.

    2. Please let us know how it turns out. I just had the same thing happen with all my garden beets, and found this website while trying to find out what to do. Unless someone tells me otherwise, I will keep them frozen, and thaw and cook as needed.

      In my own experience you should thaw the squash first, but they may even keep as well as if they had never been frozen.

  12. Accidentally froze a whole bag of baby carrots. They're all soft and kind of gross now. Can i still cook with them?

  13. this is a wonderful site like the person above said. I had some fresh green beans in my fridge and they froze. I usually blanch my beans on sunday before I cook them and I think I just might not blanch these. If you blanch first then just bring to a boil they will stay that pretty green and be a little firm.

  14. I just had a whole batch of potato salad accidentally freeze. How does that work out?

  15. I accidentally freeze a whole bag of asparagus! How can they be used now? Do I need to boil them? Can I cook them straight to the pan? Any tips or ideas how to use it now?

  16. I froze about 20 peaches that i was going to can. I guess I will still can them after I blend them.hope it works well for smoothies. Maybe i will use lemon stop browning. .

    1. Or make peach icecream or sorbet? :)

    2. Frozen lettuce makes a great pesto or vinagrette

  17. I'll bet no one has frozen this! Came home from the grocery store! Son took frozen food down to the freezer! The next day I remembered something I bought & looked everywhere for it....thought it wasn't bagged at the store or was in the car! He was using my car & checked....wasn't in there! 3 days later he told me he put the whole bag in the freezer....maybe it was in that bag!! I can't do stairs very well, but made it down & in the bag in the freezer was....a bottle of Western dressing...frozen solid! It's thawing out on the counter....hope it will be ok!

  18. What if I shred and mix into authentic potatoe pancakes?

  19. not wanting to waste some slightly wilted lettuce I cooked it, buzzed it up in the blender with some other cooked veggies, then added small chunks of fresh veg--carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, I think. Served it up to hungry hubby and 3 teens as "vegetable" soup--duh. They didn't watch the process but they demolished the soup.

    1. Cute! Made me laugh. You just solved my problem. Thanks

  20. Here is the scientific reason why accidental freezing is different than purchasing frozen food. :)

  21. What about an accidentally frozen pineapple?

  22. my cabbage froze and now it's sitting on my counter to thaw out, can I still eat it?

    I like to fry my cabbage.

    1. thaw & use for making cabbage rolls....excellent!

  23. What about accidentally frozen eggs? Has anyone any tips for dealing with them? Or are they hopelessly lost?

    1. Just did this. They are still good. Made scrambled eggs, French toast, and used for baking after checking multiple food websites.

    2. You can scramble them. Ot crack into a sm freezer container to freeze anduse in baking

  24. I accidentally froze a bag of lemons. Now they are soggy and gross. There goes my detox this morning.

  25. Does anything happen when you accidentally freeze cheese? Like can it go moldy while thawing? Earlier today I didn't realize that I had put cheese in the freezer until I got home after school which was around 6PM Tonight. When I was about to make dinner for myself, I noticed a bag in the freezer that seemed odd where when I took it out, it was about a 1/2 block of cheese that I had accidentally placed there earlier in the day.

    1. You can still definitely eat it. Frozen blocks of cheese that are thawed will become crumbly like Feta cheese. You can no longer slice it, but you can break it up and use it in casseroles just fine. In fact, this saves time from having to grate the block by hand. Years ago, I used to buy organic cheese by the 10 lb. block, slice it up in sections and freeze half. If I needed grated cheese, I would thaw the block, crumble it, then put it in or on the casserole. I don't know if processed cheese food will react the same. Frozen cheese changes in texture, but not flavor or melting ability.

  26. Does anyone have a suggestion for frozen peaches?

    1. Peach muffins, cake, smoothie or you could make jam!

  27. Hey everyone...I'm not a food scientist but I'm pretty sure that one should eat thawed fridge freezes quickly, again treating them like cooked food. Once it's cooked (or frozen and thawed) the spoiling process will accelerate, so eat it quickly, within that first day or two, or throw it out. That's my common sense caution.

  28. Planned to fry yellow squash with onion but they froze in refrigerator. Any suggestions?

  29. Nice article, thank you Penny! Going to salvage the lettuce I accidentally froze

  30. My husband accidentally froze a bag of apples - what can I do with them? They are soft and mushy.

  31. Can anything be done with honeycrisp apples that froze in my fridge?

  32. Thank you for some excellent tips!

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