Going on a Trip!

 photo ustrip_zps4dad9a7e.pngI haven't been to the US, where I was born and grew up, since I moved to this country 7 1/2 years ago. My close family all lives here, and flying to the US is pretty expensive, so I had no reason to spend a fortune flying to the US, though I do miss it and have been somewhat "homesick" for my old town, my old haunts, my old friends, etc...
I am really excited, because I am flying to the US at last- for work, but I will still be able to see old friends and family that I haven't seen in years. It's just me flying on the trip, without my husband, without my kids. It's the first time I'm ever spending a night away from Anneliese in her life... but ever since I knew I was going on this trip (about 2 months ago), I redoubled my efforts at night weaning her, and she is now sleeping through the night, so she should be able to handle my absence...

In some ways, I am super excited for this trip, in other ways very nervous. It's a big thing for me, going on a business trip for the first time (covered by my work, so it's not out of pocket for me)- a lot of pressure to make a good impression, and mentally I'm not completely prepared for it. I've been so busy working out the technical details of the trip, arranging flights, lodging, travel arrangements, and other logistics that only in the past few days was I really able to focus on the mental aspect, what I'll be doing while I'm there, and preparing for it...

And I'm also nervous about the kids. I completely trust my husband- I know my kids will be in good hands. He's a very loving father, caring, doting, and he runs the house very well... but he doesn't really know how to cook, other than a few basic things...
I'm nervous that the kids will miss me a lot and act out... but I want to try to work around that, by calling them and speaking to them on Skype at the very least daily, if not more than that. I will be photo blogging my trip for my kids, so they can visualize where I am and what I am doing, and be part of my trip in that way...
I guess I'm nervous not because I am worried, per se, because of anything specific, but more because of the unknown aspects, because I've never done such a thing before.
And yet, at the same time, I am really looking forward to a break. As a stay at home mom for the past 6 years, I don't think I've ever been away from my kids for more than 24 hours (after Anneliese was born, my boys were away for 2 days straight at my mom's, but I was with the baby, so still with a kid)... I can definitely do with some alone time, some time without needing to constantly be thinking about what my kids are doing and need, etc... I think this will help me recharge, and come back to be an even better parent... Of course, it would have been nicest if I could go on such a trip with my husband, and not alone... but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the three kids with anyone but him, so....

Preparations for my trip have been pretty intense, from dealing with passport headaches to arranging cell phone service while I'm in the US, to getting doctor's notes and overseas maternity medical insurance, as well as preparing food for me to eat while I'm there (I am so limited in what I can eat, and won't be renting a car, so my ability to get food that suits my dietary needs- not to mention low budget- will be tricky), and preparing gifts for my various hosts.

In future posts, I'll talk about what my husband is doing for food for the kids while I'm gone and what I'm doing for my food, how I'm gift giving cheaply yet nicely, what I discovered about traveling on a budget, etc... as well as updates on how my husband and kids are faring.. Oh, and about nursing Anneliese... I'm not weaning her. Obviously I won't be able to nurse her for the 12 days that I'm gone, but when I come back, if she wants to nurse (which I'm betting she will), I am definitely willing to do so. But, if on the off chance, she decides that she is done nursing, I'm also ok with that...

In the meantime, I just wanted to give a heads up, because I'm not sure how frequently I'll have internet connections while I'm in the US.

I'll be visiting NY, Cleveland, Chicago, Kansas City, and Cincinnati within the next 2 weeks... Hope the blizzards in the US don't make my trip problematic!!!

See you later!

Have you ever gone on a trip without your kids, leaving them with your spouse? How old were your kids? How did you make sure that it was as easy as them emotionally as possible? Any suggestions for me?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


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  1. I wish you were coming to Oakland and had time to hang out with a random fan! Good luck with everything.

    1. Awww, thanks! I may end up coming to CA on a future trip, but not this trip...

  2. You'll be in my home town :)

  3. What are you doing in Chicago!??? I'm not far from there and have been reading your blog for years...would LOVE to meet you!!!

    1. If you're serious about that, send me an email telling me a little more about yourself (if you commented on my blog with a different name previously) and maybe... :-D

    2. ooops, not sure why blogger says I'm unknown? This is the profile I usually comment under :) I will email you.

  4. Good luck on your trip. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and really hope you have incredible success on your trip. I'm sure you'll be great!

    Are you concerned that maybe your milk will dry up after 12 days away?

    1. Thanks Leila!
      For the record, my milk dried up long ago. I have practically nothing left bec of pregnancy. Anneliese nurses for comfort, not milk...

    2. That works then.
      It really works out that your boys are in school this year. Who will watching Anneliese during the day?

      Make sure to do some fun stuff while you're away. Stop at Target or something. :)

      Have fun!

    3. Happy homecoming and good luck with everything!!

  5. Happy homecoming and good luck with everything!!

  6. Have fun! :D It is NICE to go home after being away for so many years! The longest I didn't go to the US was 22 months and it was bonkers for me. Have a great trip! :)

  7. I wish you a nice trip !
    I always pack *very light* but bringing a few things to make me feel like home is sometimes the BEST (like my favorite evening herb tea, or crosswords to help me to calm down, little things like that).
    Also I am interesting in reading what food you'll bring. As a vegetarian (& health conscious), it gets tricky to find appropriate food in some parts of the world !

  8. What sort of business trip? What will you be doing in the US?

    1. On a speaking tour for an organization I am working for. No, don't ask me which organization- that's not public.

  9. Wave out of your window as you fly over Harrisburg, PA! Can't wait to hear about your stateside adventures!

  10. Just curious, will you continue pumping while one the trip to keep the supply up? I have found my milk would dry up quicker when I was pregnant.

  11. Have a wonderful trip - pack a coat - it's pretty cold in the places you'll be visiting!! I have left my kids some when they were little - twice for my husband and I to take a trip together. Both times, my MIL came to stay - because she's just awesome that way! I totally trust her to care for the kids as I would and they love some "Nana" time. They did miss us, but were happy with their grandmother. And it helped that they were in their own home - I think that's the most important thing, keeping to their regular routine while you are gone. My husband is in the military, so we've had the opposite, with him deployed for long periods of time. It really helped that we had access to Skype and cell phones, so he talked to the kids almost every day. The last time we left them, my youngest was about 2 and a half. I did take a short 3-day trip two years ago without the kids, leaving them with my husband. My sister had twins and I went to stay with her and help her for a few days. They did fine, although my youngest was 7 at the time, so not a toddler anymore! They will be great - they will definitely miss you and be happy when you get home. Bu they will be fine while you are gone. Enjoy your trip!!

    1. Weather has been awesome so far! And kids are amazing too!

  12. happy safe travels, -40 degree wind chill in Chicago, dress warmly!
    let me know if you need any help while you're here

  13. While in Cincinnati you should try to go to Jungle Jims international market. There are 2 locations. It is fabulous and lots of amazing foods.

  14. What business are you doing here? For your blogging? Best of luck for smooth travels.

    1. I'm on a speaking tour for an organization I work for on the side. :-D No, that isnt public info which organization. :-D It is completely in a different category than Penniless Parenting.

  15. I hope you will find an opportunity to get some shoes! If they don't fit in your luggage, maybe you can mail them home.

  16. Not to be nosey, but why so secretive on this organization that you speak for? Is it something that could help women?

    1. I have personal reasons why I don't post that info publicly on my blog. But if you want to know more, email me at pennilessparenting@yahoo.com

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