Paleo Chicken Mole Recipe- Vegan Option, Refined Sugar Free, GAPS Legal

I had another recipe that I'd planned on sharing with you today, but then I made chicken mole (pronounced "moe lay") and it was just so finger licking good that I couldn't wait to share it with you, so I bumped it to the head of the line.
Mole is a Mexican dish that literally means mix, and mix it is- the randomest mix you'll ever find, things that you think could never possibly taste good together, but somehow they do. I've looked up many different recipes for mole, and all of them have variations, but this is the variation I fell in love with- a combination of a few others I've seen.
If you're weirded out by the combination, my mom and siblings were too, when I made this for a family get together, but I made everyone taste it before they wrote it off, and they all agreed it was delicious. Last night I was literally eating the sauce from the bottom of the pan with a spoon, it was that addicting.
While this recipe, as is, is obviously not vegan, it first and foremost is a sauce, which can be used in a variety of ways. I used it over chicken then baked it, but you can also grill chicken slathered with it, add some broth to it and cook chicken in it in the crock pot. And if you're a vegan, you can just serve it over veggies- I had some over swiss chard and green beans last night, as a rub on seitan or tofu or other mock meat, or just serve it over cooked beans. It's very versatile.

Paleo Chicken Mole Recipe- Vegan Option, Refined Sugar Free, GAPS Legal

1/4 cup unsweetened almond butter or peanut butter (I used my homemade almond butter)
3/4 cups raisins
1 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes (4 small tomatoes)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoon chili powder (I used my homemade chili powder)
1/8-1/4 teaspoon hot pepper flakes (or to taste)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 teaspoons salt (or to taste)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 packages of chicken

1. Put the raisins, tomatoes, and almond butter in a food processor, and blend it all up.

2. The raisins may actually not blend up completely at first, because they are dried out, so once it is blended, add the rest of the ingredients (minus the chicken) and let it sit for 5 minutes to hydrate, then blend again until smooth.

3. Smear on your chicken, and either bake or grill.

4. This sauce needs to cook to taste best, so if you aren't going to be baking/grilling or otherwise cooking with it, mix it with 1/2-1 cup broth of choice and bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes.


Have you ever heard of mole before? Have you ever had it? If you have not, does this flavor combination seem super weird do you, or can you understand how the flavors would fit together nicely? If you've made mole before, does your recipe seem similar to mine or do you make it differently, and if so, how? 
What is your favorite way to serve mole?
Does this seem like a recipe you'd try?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


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