Three Essential Home Upgrades for New Parents

This post was written by a reader.

First of all, everyone understands that when you have a new addition to the family, money is tight. For something so small, they sure know how to consume, and by the time you have stocked up on all the essentials to keep them clean, clothed, safe and fed, the chances are, the last subject on your mind is home upgrades.

But there are some things that you really should consider, and they need not cost a fortune. Here are my top three suggestions.

1) Keeping out the light

One of the most important things with a new arrival is to get the bedtime routine right. You don’t realize just what a precious thing sleep is till you become a parent, and it’s all about routine. Get it right, and junior will be happily asleep in his or her crib by 8PM, and will sleep through for 10 hours by the age of a couple of months. Get it wrong and bedtime becomes a waking nightmare that takes up all of every evening, and is interspersed by frequent night time disturbances.

Key to this is creating a soothing night time environment, and that means black out curtains. If the sun is still blasting in through the window, you will really be up against it trying to convince anybody it is time to sleep!

2) Sort out the utility room

Babies get through a lot of clothing, and if, alongside these, you are using reusable diapers, your laundry room or utility room is going to be working like it has never worked before. Now is the time to make sure it is fit for purpose, and maybe give it a little makeover. Believe me, you will be spending far more time in there, so it is totally worth it.

3) Stair gates

It doesn’t take long before that helpless little bundle is propelling itself around your home like a child possessed. And if there is one thing that they are great at when they reach the crawling stage, it is detecting dangerous locations and plotting a course. Stair gates are absolutely essential to keep the little one corralled as well as possible. These are inexpensive to buy, but why not make your own? All you need is some wood, a couple of hinges and a basic fastening. Here is some inspiration to help you on your way.

Safety and convenience

In general, home upgrades find themselves on hold when there is a new baby in the house. But the above three are well worth considering to make life easier and safer for everyone.

See my disclaimer.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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