How to Make Your Next Vacation Affordable, But Still Amazing

I have not had much experience going on vacation, but its something I wish I would be able to do. I hope you enjoy this post on how timeshares save money, by reader Jeremy.

People tend to think that you can’t have a vacation that’s affordable and fun at the same time. We may long to go overseas, to explore distant lands, to sip margaritas on the beaches of some of some exotic locale. This is not to say that those sorts of vacations are out of the realm of possibility for you, but they’re way beyond the way most Americans go on holiday.

Americans are going on vacation less and less as the years go by. This is due to many factors, but chief among them is money. People simply feel they can’t afford to leave work for that long, to pay for food and accommodations in some place, while still being able to pony up for activities. This problem is compounded when you introduce children into the picture. It’s hard enough to find a kid-friendly vacation without paying out the nose. How can these things be made affordable?

Perhaps the best way to do this is to realize that certain holiday providers cater to people in your exact situation. One of the best examples is the timeshare industry, who offer everything you need to enjoy your time away, without the inconveniences that family vacations often come with. Some people think that timeshares are too expensive to consider, but when you start to understand how they actually work, you start to see how they make sense for the family with children.

  1. Timeshares Make Your Favorite Activities Accessible. Timeshares are almost always located near attractions that your whole family will love. Timeshares located near Disney Orlando, available through DVC Resales, bring you close to the action without having to rely on the exorbitant fees charged by nearby hotels.
  2. Timeshares Save Money in Important Ways. If your family were to stay in a hotel, you’d have to rely on restaurant food a great deal, but timeshares have full service kitchens, allowing you to save money. Timeshares also exist in resort-style arrangements, where many other vacation needs are provided for you and baked right into the price.
  3. Timeshares Hold Their Value. Timeshares in the right location hold their value, and often increase over time.
  4. Timeshares Provide Privacy for Mom and Dad. Timeshares have master bedrooms that give Mom and Dad privacy they often wouldn’t have in a hotel. This is necessary for hardworking parents who want time to themselves, even when traveling with their children.
  5. Timeshares Get You to Take the Time Every Year (or Share). If you’re the kind of person who always finds a reason not to go on vacation, the timeshare can change this. Even if you can’t go one time, you will be able to share your timeshare with someone you love, so that they can enjoy some time away just like you do.

Timeshares aren’t the solution for every holiday goer, but they’re an option that more families with young kids should think about. As a family asset they can’t be beat, and they could help you have the vacation you’ve needed for so long, but just haven’t found a way to get.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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