3 Ways to Make Extra Cash for a Working Mom

We all know what its like to be short on both cash and time. Here's some tips from a reader on how to make some extra cash, even as a full time working mom.

Do you find yourself running low on cash but it seems as if all you do is work? You could find many ways to make an extra income that does not require hard labor. It can be hard for mothers to find time and energy to work another job to make another income. Today, it is quite popular for people to turn to side jobs to make ends meet and the internet provides countless options for that.

Earn cash by completing surveys online

In your free time, you can make a profit by expressing yourself while sitting on your couch or laying in bed. Opinion based surveys can be completed online and companies will give you money for it. Sites like Swagbucks and SurveyClub allow users to sign up for free and start earning once they finish their surveys. All you need is a computer or a cell phone that is connected to the internet and you can make money without working too hard. Making sure you have the right tools, will make your online hustle a smooth process.

Although this option may get tedious and time-consuming, it is a painless process that will only benefit you in the end. Take an hour or two to work on just surveys and you’ll see an increase in your pockets. While sites like Swagbucks pay you, other sites distribute points to survey takers that can be redeemed after they have accumulated for some time. With those points, you can get access to gift cards from retailers like Starbucks and Amazon.

2. Make a profit from your crafts

Many mothers have hobbies and/or skills that could be monetized. You can sell just about anything online and someone out there will buy it. The first step is to create an online store. Shopify gives you access to all the tools and services you need to start and run your online store. Things you can sell are:
  • Clothes
  • Handmade crafts
  • Jewelry
  • Art
If you enjoy simply helping others, you can make a profit off of services like tutoring, instructing fitness or yoga classes, or make-up and makeovers, etc. E-commerce has changed the way people make money and the way people shop. Using the correct software will simplify the process of monetizing your crafts, services or hobbies.

There are also outlets that people use, like LetGo and OfferUp to sale their belongings they no longer need or want. You may want to sell items like old kid clothes, toys, furniture, and many other things that families outgrow over time. This allows mothers to get rid of clutter and make money at the same time.

3. Dog Walk/ Pet Sit

If you enjoy animals, you can make extra cash by pet sitting or dog walking. Pet sitting wouldn’t require a lot of energy and you can do it while you are relaxing. There is a chance you could have time to yourself as the animals are keeping your kids occupied and vice versa. Although this could get noisy, you are making cash quick by simply giving your kids something to do and expend their energy on. I would only recommend this if your children are old enough to play with animals. Before opening up your doors, make sure to consider the requirements for pet sitting.

Get in shape by offering to walk your friend’s dogs or your neighbors in the mornings or on the weekends. This is a rather healthy way to make extra money on the side. You enjoy more time together if you bring your children along and make it a family activity. Getting outside and moving could be fun and relieve some stress you may have by being a working mother. If you charge $10 a walk and you only walk 5 dogs a day then you’ve made $50 already. You could use the information given above to create a store and make profit off of just dog walking and sitting.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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