5 Things to Consider When Finding the Best School for Your Kid

I'm in the process of trying to find another school for my oldest child, Lee, as well as starting the process for getting special ed for my younger daughter, Rose. Here's a post from a reader with things to consider when trying to find a school for your children.

Singapore is known to have one of the most competitive and high quality education system in the world. For expats who decide to move to Singapore with their family, finding a great school will never be a problem. However, parents want nothing but the best for the children. In this article, we will share some practical tips to consider when choosing the perfect school for the kids.

School Curriculum – it is very important to check the curriculum offered by the school and the areas they focus on. Lay down your options and decide which will be the best choice for your kids. International General Certificate of Secondary Education or IGCSE is the world’s most popular international curriculum for secondary school that you might want to check if your kid is around 14 to 16 years old. This programme aims to cultivate the development of critical skills in students including problem solving, creative thinking and others. IGCSE schools in Singapore will definitely help your kids achieve their best potential.

Location – after looking into the curriculum and programme of the school, it is also important to consider the location. It is best if you can find a good school that is near your house so your kids will be safe and the travel time to school will not be stressful for them. Security and stress can affect their performance and overall mood. It is also best to check if the area is child-friendly in terms of security.

Number of students per class – it would be great if the number of students per class is just small so teachers can focus on the welfare of each student. You can ask about these details while enquiring.

Check teachers’ reputation and credentials – it is also advisable to do some research in terms of the reputation and credentials, not only of the school, but also its teachers. They are the ones who guide the kids so it is just right that you know that they are good influence for them.

Pay a visit – lastly, it is strongly advisable to pay a visit in the school. This way you will be able to see the environment, the facilities and you can talk to the teachers and principal to ask all your questions and clarifications. It is recommendable to go alone on your first visit so you can concentrate. On the following visit, you can bring along your kid so you can also get their opinion.

These tips will help parents out there to find the best school, wheter in Singapore or anywhere. It is very important to always talk to your child to see how they are doing and coping in their new school. Being a transferee much more a transferee from another country can be difficult for kids especially teens so you should pay closer attention and give them guidelines and support that they need. It would be great to meet their classmates and friends too so you know the type of people they hang out with.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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