Going To University: Healthy Body And Healthy Mind

I love my smartphone; while I thought I managed just fine without one in the past, now that I have one I couldn't imagine what I'd do without one. The apps on it make my life so much better. I have to say that my favorite apps, other than social media ones are the ones for journaling, and the ones used in conjunction with therapy.

One type of modern tech that everyone seems to be making the most of today is the app. There are so many different apps available nowadays for people to download. There is quite literally something for everyone due to the sheer number of applications available on different smartphones. Just a few of the different types of apps featured on such phones include; social networking apps, note-taking apps, spiritual apps, shopping apps, video and image editing apps, weather apps and mapping apps. All of these apps can be beneficial when going to university.

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In this blog post, we are going to take a look at how you can maintain a healthy mind and body at university by revealing some of the best fitness apps and spiritual apps.

Nevertheless, before delving into the exciting part it is, of course, crucial to ensure that you have a high-speed internet connection if they are going to download and utilize their apps to the optimum level. You will also need a good and cost-effective SIM deal, which https://www.smarty.co.uk/ provides for students specifically. After all, most students don’t have much money to spare while at university.

Fitness Apps

1. My Fitness Pal

My Fitness Pal acts as a calorie counter and a diet tracker. The individual utilizing this app enters their current weight at present as well as their goal weight. The app then calculates how many calories they should intake each day in order to lose the desired weight over a period of time. The person should enter the food they eat as well as the exercise they carry out on a daily basis in order to ensure they are keeping to the set limits.

2. Gym Hero

This may not be the most exciting app an individual is likely to come across but it is certainly one of the most effective and thus it is likely to be used an awful lot. Gym Hero is basically a gym fanatic’s version of Quick Note. Basically, the individual in question enters how many reps at what weight they did during their particular gym session. This allows people to keep track of their exercise in order to recognize the area in which they need to work on next.

3. Jefit

Jefit is perfect for those individuals who know what part of their body they want to tone up but simply do not know which exercises they should be carrying out in order to do so as the app reveals certain exercises which would be effective.

4. RunKeeper

RunKeeper is a great app for those who want to monitor their progress when running or in fact cycling. The app, which you can download at https://runkeeper.com/, displays a dashboard which is obviously personal to the individual utilizing the phone. One this dashboard the individual will be able to discover how far they travelled on their particular run or cycle, how long it took them and it will also show them the actual route on which they embarked on. Thus they will be able to determine whether they have improved on their last run or cycle.

5. Lose it!

Lose It allows individuals to pre-plan what they are going to be eating for the day in order to aid them with weight loss. The app also takes into account any calories which are burned through exercise.

6. Instant Heart Rate

Don’t worry about finding your heart rate after going for a run, let your smartphone do it for you!

7. Daily Yoga

Yoga has become increasingly popular over the last few years and now if anybody wants to engage in the well-loved exercise all that they need to do is switch on their smartphone. What is also great about this app is that a voice narration will talk the person in question through each exercise.

8. Fooducate

A lot of individuals are often shocked to learn what calories, sugar or levels of fat are present in certain foods. Fooducate helps people to stay healthy by ensuring that they know exactly what they are eating. This is great for students who are going to be cooking for the first time. This app features a simple barcode scanner feature, meaning that the person in question merely has to scan the barcode and what for the nutritional information to appear on the screen.

Spiritual Apps

One type of app which has become both extremely popular and extremely useful is those dedicated to spiritual enlightenment. These apps can be great if you’re simply interested in exploring different religions and mindsets. They can also help to give you positive motivation and encouragement at university, which can be especially important if you an exam coming up or you are missing your family at home.

8) Prayer Journal

The ‘Prayer Journal’ app boasts originality over its competitors as there is quite frankly nothing else like it. The app allows people to enter the topics in which they have been praying about into a journal which they can share with their friends. The ‘Prayer Journal’ is also extremely cheap in price.

7) Mosaic Holy Bible

No other app offers such diversification when it comes to the way in which one can prayer or experience spiritual enlightenment. The way in which one can find faith, reflect and connect with their spirit is through the following mediums; prayers, hymns, quotes, scripture, art, creeds and more.

6) Tao Te Ching

Nothing makes your mind wonder like a quote from the Chinese classic Tao Te Ching. This app is full of quotes from the classic work which will broaden ones insight and make them look deeper into the meanings of spiritual sayings.

5) Spiritual Nature Wallpapers

What better way to experience all things spiritual then to pick up an Android phone and see a spiritual nature wallpaper? This app has a unique yet effective take on spirituality and it is available entirely free of cost.

4) YouVersion Bible

‘YouVersion Bible’ allows an individual to either listen or read extracts from the Bible. They can also make notes on their reading experience as well as post verses on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

3) Spiritual Radio

‘Spiritual Radio’ is a free app which allows Android users to listen to a radio which is dedicated to Indian spiritual content. The music played is carefully chosen and features some of India’s biggest names.

2) Nirmal Baba

In India Nirmal Baba is a well-known and highly regarded spiritual guru. This app will tell people everything that they need to know about Nirmal Baba, including where he is set to appear next.

1) Daily Bible

The reason why the ‘Daily Bible’ app takes top spot on this list is that it provides people with encouragement and motivation through the daily bible verses that the individual with the Android phone is notified with each day. Moreover, the search feature on this app is effective and efficient as one can easily search a verse or even a topic in order to find what they are looking for. An individual can even set their very own bible reading plan. A final point worth considering is that this app is absolutely free of charge, meaning it won’t set anyone back a penny.

Hopefully, you will have discovered some apps that are ideal for you or your child during university.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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