How to Make Money when Going to University

College students have a reputation for being broke, and for good reason. However, you can change that, by finding some ways to earn money while at university. Here's some tips from a reader how to do that.

Going to university can be a very daunting experience to say the least. If you want to help yourself, or someone you know make some money while at college then here are a few things that you need to know.

Share what you Know

They say that the best way for you to learn would be for you to teach. If you want to help other people, then it is always a good idea for you to tutor younger students. Teamwork can be very fulfilling and it can be a fantastic way for you to make money in college too. The best thing about tutoring other people is that it gives you the chance to brush up on your own knowledge and it can also be a good way for you to maintain your flexibility too. As you teach more and more people, you can then have them spread the word and this is all free advertising for you!

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Babysit, or Petsit!

One of the easiest ways for you to make money in college is for you to sit for people. You could
look after someone’s pet, their baby or even their house. You can still study while you do this, and you may even find that you can make a good amount of money as a result. Of course, it is important to know that the rates that you get will depend on your overall level of experience. You will also earn a different rate for the amount of kids you watch too. If you want to look after pets then there are so many apps out there that you can download and when you do, this will give you the chance to find other people who are in need.

Start your own Blog

You don’t have to be an English student to benefit from having your own blog. People from all different backgrounds can benefit doing this and it is a great way for you to make money too. If you have any experience, then don’t be afraid to use it to your advantage. Camping, woodworking, personal finance and even cooking are all great topics for you to start out with and you would be surprised at how beneficial they can be to your overall finances.

Build Websites

If you are very tech-savvy, then why not think about creating your own site? When you do this, you can easily make a small fortune and there are many courses out there to help if you aren’t sure about anything. Pay for technical work is usually way higher than any other kind, not to mention that by having this as a side hustle, you give yourself the chance to progress it into a full career. If you are good with computers then it’s also worth looking into the best free PDF editor for Mac so that you can send invoices or even fill out forms easier.

Make Sandwiches for Students

This may sound strange, but believe it or not, you can make a good amount of money by making sandwiches. This will help your fellow students and you can even do it in your spare time. Consider making up sandwiches and then selling them to those who are in a rush. There is a high chance that you can delve into other food options as well. This can include rice pots or pasta pots. The best thing about this is that you can make them in bulk and then portion them up at a later date. This can make you really successful and you’d also be surprised at how much money you it can bring in as well. After all, hungry college students are a great market!

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Test Products

There are so many businesses out there who are always looking for people to test out their products. They need to make sure that they are marketable, and they also need to know if there is anything that they can improve on. If you want to help yourself here, then browse the internet or even get in touch with businesses in person. Some companies will pay you to test their products for them, whereas others will give you the products for free. Either way, it can be a fantastic experience and you would be surprised at how beneficial it can be to your wallet.

Look into Part-Time Jobs

Local businesses tend to pride themselves on hiring college students. If you are able to balance this with the schedule that you have then this can give you a steady source of income. It can also help you to be much more dependable too. Off-campus jobs will generally pay you much more when compared to an on-campus position and you will also be able to take advantage of more opportunities at a later date.

Sell Text Books

You would be surprised at how many books you can find online, for very cheap. Auction sites are the best way for you to source things like this, and when you are able to find a good supplier, you will soon find that you can make a small fortune from it. When people need books for college, they usually can't wait for them to be delivered because they have deadlines to study for. If you are able to source them properly and sell them instantly to whoever needs them then you will soon find that this can be a very lucrative opportunity. You would also be surprised at how much of a demand there is as well, so it’s well worth looking into this.

Of course, there are so many things that you can do to try and make money while you are at college, and by taking the time to really invest in each opportunity you can be sure to guarantee success. Why not give some of the above ideas a go for yourself today? Everyone is different, so find a solution which works for you and then expand on it as much as possible.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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