How to Order Quality Foods Online During COVID-19

Online shopping. It's a new norm. But for many it can be stressful, because how do you know if the quality of what you're getting is good, especially since you can't inspect it before it arrives? This is especially true with food. So here's some tips from a reader to help you ensure that you don't get scammed when it comes to online grocery shopping.

Things changed in 2020. While we were all still in the hype of the new year, life on our planet as we knew it was changing. When COVID-19 finally launched us into quarantine, the pandemic left many of us without the luxury of open access to our favorite stores.

Those who were already ordering food, groceries, and pretty much everything online, weren't as affected. But for those of us who were used to shopping at the open markets and getting fresh foods from grocers bi-weekly, things came to a halt.

If you're still struggling to order groceries online, here's a guide to finding foods you'll enjoy during this time.

Know Your Options

For those who have never purchased fresh products online, you'll want to do some research to find deliverable options. Your local grocery store might offer online delivery. You could also order from a meal delivery service, or check out reviews of popular options like this review of the FarmFoods online meat store.

So, what are people buying online with these resources? Here’s a quick list:

  • Meats
  • Canned foods
  • Fresh foods
  • Takeout foods
  • Paper goods

It may come as no surprise that the influx of these products during the time of the pandemic has been tremendous. Some didn't know they could order meat online, and some didn't know they could have groceries delivered to their door. There are also prepared meal delivery companies that take care of all of the cooking for you. With the advent of this new normal, we now know what is permissible to order online.

Stay Safe

When ordering online, it's perhaps more important than ever to read the reviews not just from the product, but from the delivery service. Some questions to ask yourself as you receive a delivery are:

  • Is it packaged safely?
  • Does the package look tampered?
  • Are there any tears in the product itself?
  • If it's supposed to come frozen or in cold packaging, did it make it to your destination in such packaging?
  • If it's supposed to be fresh, like produce, does it indeed look fresh?

Keep in mind that delivery doesn’t mean that your food product should sit in someone's delivery vehicle unnecessarily before it gets to you. Inspect your product as soon as you get it and inform the company you ordered from if something looks off.

Order from a Reliable Website

Make sure you're going to official websites to order the product. It’s easy to get caught up clicking on a link that looks fine to order. But before you click away, look at the URL and be sure this is a safe site that offers a safe method of payment. The last thing you need is a scam because you were trying to feed your family.

If you’re ordering takeout from a restaurant, one way you can ensure their site is official is by giving them a call. Many restaurants are happy to confirm their site for you over the phone. And, since you have them on the phone, they may just take your order and have you pay when you pick up.

Pay it Forward

The best way to pay it forward is to write an honest review of your experience with your delivery. An honest review doesn't mean a love story or a rant; it means giving information so that people who read your review will make a good choice for their families.

If asked to write a review, think about doing it. Reviews reach more people than you know.


Ordering online doesn't have to be a hassle for those of us unfamiliar with ordering online. Simply know what you want to order, check out the reviews for the product and delivery, and make sure you're ordering from a reputable website.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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