Things to Consider Before Starting a Family

Are you thinking of starting a family? It's a big decision, life altering and important. For that reason, it is good to be prepared. Here's some suggestions from a reader about things to consider before starting your family.

Whether you are newly married and feeling broody or you have been in a stable relationship for years and feel now is the time to try for a baby, there are a number of important considerations you ought to make.


The most important thing to think about is your health. Is your body, or that of your partner, ready to carry a baby for nine months? If you are not in the best shape or have not been taking care of yourself, it may be more challenging to conceive in the first place. Look after yourself by ensuring you are putting healthy food into your body and maintaining decent activity levels. If you smoke, be sure to stop. Smoking can have a devastating impact on unborn babies. Furthermore, it can also impact the quality of sperm, making it harder to fall pregnant in the first place. Many experts recommend starting a daily dose of folic acid and even probiotics in preparation for trying to start a family.


Babies are not cheap and, although they add so much to a family, they also take a lot away financially. Of course, there may never be a right time when it comes to money but trying to be as prepared and organized as possible will definitely help. Having health insurance, through a company such as Mutual of Omaha, will ensure that you are fully covered for pregnancy and labor plus any necessary extras beyond that point. It may also be worth setting aside a little money each month and putting into a savings account. It is usual for just one parent to be working for at least the first year of the child’s life which can put a huge strain on any household. Having savings to fall back on can be helpful.


When you look outside your window, do you see a neighborhood into which you would relish bringing a child or does the thought make you uncomfortable? They say that it takes a village to raise a child. If you do not feel confident with the area in which you reside, it would be worth looking into the possibility of moving to a place with a more positive vibe. Look around you and think about whether it is safe accommodation or could be made that way. Furthermore, it is essential to consider the size of the property. If you have no room for a baby, you will not be able to grow as a family in your current house.


Having a baby can put a huge strain on any relationship. Going from being a couple to having another person entirely reliant on the two of you can be completely overwhelming. Both parties have to understand that they will no longer be the sole focus of the other person’s attention and that can cause the deterioration of a relationship if it isn’t strong enough to begin with. An ability to converse openly with the other person is essential and can prevent the strain from becoming too much. Ensure that you are in the right relationship before considering bringing a child into it.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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