How To Become The Ultimate DIY Parent

I'm a big fan of DIYing in all sorts of ways, either for fun, or to make something for your family that you need instead of buying it, or fixing your broken items on your own instead of paying a professional. DIY saves money and can be quite enjoyable as well. But not everyone knows how to DIY. Here's some tips from a reader on how to become a DIY parent. 

When you first think of the word DIY, you might assume that it requires a lot of hard work. However, while this can be true in some cases, there are many benefits to doing things yourself. You can save yourself money and create unique items that nobody else in the world has!

In this article, we are going to be talking about how you can become the ultimate DIY parent. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading!

Learn how to sew

Sewing is undoubtedly one of the handiest skills that a parent can have. Just think about how many times something has ripped, and you’ve had to buy a replacement! It’s not exactly easy when children are always growing! While it is something that requires a little practice, it can certainly be worth the hard work.

If you are new to the process, try looking at sewing machines for beginners. This way, you can start off slowly until you learn all the tricks. Getting something too advanced might turn you off it altogether!

Keep updated with new ideas online

There are millions of DIY ideas out there, but sometimes it can be challenging to know what project to choose. If you want to find out where to begin, try heading online to keep updated. There are so many great websites, you’ll be able to find the perfect tutorial in no time! For example, you can check out how to DIY a pallet nightstand by clicking the link.

Repurpose everyday items

If you head to the craft store every single day to get supplies for your projects, DIYing might not save you as much money as you initially thought. Instead of purchasing things new, try, and repurpose everyday items that you have around your home. Old cans, containers, and glass jars can be used to create almost anything! You can even make upcycled pots with old toys! The possibilities are endless!

Become a savvy shopper

As mentioned above, buying supplies for some projects can add up to be quite expensive. If you really want to become a great DIYer, you want to try and keep an eye out for the best deals. Stock up on craft items during seasonal sales, and don’t forget to hit garage sales and local thrift stores. You’ll be able to find inspiration for your projects and pick up all the necessary supplies at a great price.

Get the kids involved

To be a DIY parent, you have to get the kids involved, of course! It’s a great hobby to get them into, and they can really show off their creative side. There are many DIY projects for kids out there, and letting them use your old boxes and recyclables around the home is also a great way to help out the environment. Have a look at these recycled crafts for kids to get started!

And that’s it! This was a guide to becoming the ultimate DIY parent. What do you think? Are there any other tips you would add to this list?

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal


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  1. I'm an old guy, pushing 70. Learned to sew from my Mom as a teen, bought an old Singer when I was 20, still have it and use it. Learned to fix cars, bicycles, equipment--and anything mechanical--from my Dad. Bit by bit, I acquired the tools, a proper tool chest, jack stands, etc. They last for generations if cared for. Uncle Fred taught me to fix houses and barns. Those tools can be acquired one at a time, kept for a lifetime (except for paint brushes--they wear out). On my own I learned the homesteading arts--gardening, husbandry, fencing, water management, landscape care. I prefer old-school wood handled tools--a dozen or so covers everything. Keep them clean, dry and sharp, oil the handles every few years, never need to buy them over again.

    I really enjoy using my tools and the skills that I have acquired to build, repair, refresh, maintain, improve, and beautify the built environment.

    Along the way I learned that a layman can do almost anything a pro can do, only slower, and sometimes better. Doing it twice to get it right is more satisfying than paying a pro to do it once. Don't be afraid to dive in, even if you have no experience. Ask advice, consult the internet--if you can name a project or repair, there's a step-by-step video somewhere. You won't regret spending more on good tools. Materials are more expensive by the day, it seems, but don't scrimp there, either. Properly applied and maintained, they are damn near permanent, but you only suffer the pain of paying for a short time. Recycled materials are great, but don't let them dictate the design--you will regret it.

    You are on the wrong track when you find yourself saying (or thinking): "We can fix that later," (you won't); "Nobody will notice," (they will--and YOU will); "The paint will cover that," (unlikely); "That would take too long," (what's the hurry?); "I don't mind if it's messy," (you should); "Close enough..." (it probably isn't).

    I was quite prosperous in the past; now circumstances compel me to be quite frugal. Rather than drop my standards, I reduce the size of the project. Ambition management.

    My skills are often called for by my rather large extended family, most of them of modest means. Usually I do them the biggest favor by talking them OUT of remodeling, persuading them that their kitchen, porch, bathroom, etc. is perfectly serviceable, and with a little refreshing will give them decades more of use. The money is better spent on shared experiences with their children.

    One last thing: Grandma's button box. Grandma sewed and repaired clothing and bedding for a huge brood, plus some old uncles and cousins. At least twenty times a year, she sewed a missing button on some garment. Her button box contained perhaps a thousand buttons. I once said, "Why do you keep such a big box of buttons? You couldn't use them in a hundred years!"

    "No," she said, "I'll never use them ALL. But to have the right button when I need it, to match the other buttons on a shirt or jacket, I have to have a wide variety. And thirty colors of thread, too! Even with this big box of buttons, and all this thread, sometimes it is hard to find the right one."

    Moral of the story: if you sew, snip buttons from worn-out clothing before recycling them, and when you buy buttons for a project, get a few extra. Develop an extensive supply of nails and screws, other fasteners, electrical and plumbing bits and pieces, wire and tubing of all descriptions, scraps of wood, partial cans of paint (keep from freezing), nuts and bolts, hooks and wire, knobs and hinges, tacks and staples, miscellaneous parts and pieces. It will facilitate many a project, and save you many trips to the store. Likewise, keep three or four kinds of glue, and three or four kinds of tape on hand at all times, and string, cord, lines and rope. You won't develop skills without tools and materials.

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