Tips For Running a Successful Blog

I'm on my eleventh year of running this blog, and I'll admit, it's not always so easy to do so. Often I'm exhausted, but I know I need to keep at it if I don't want it to die. Here are some tips from a reader on how to run a successful blog.

Blogging is becoming more and more popular and new people are starting blogs daily. Blogging is extremely fun and if you have a passion for it, it’s great to share your thoughts and watch your readers grow. Plus, a side benefit from running a blog is that you can potentially make a side income from it, with some people running one as a full-time job. That said, running a blog isn’t easy and shouldn’t be done for just money. Below I have put together a guide of several tips that will help with the running of your blog.

Post Regularly 

 When running a blog your readers will want to read your content regularly. With so many blogs out there it is important you consistently update your blog so that your readers return and read your new posts. If you are not posting regularly, you may find they get fed up with waiting for a post and look for other blogs in a similar industry to you. If you know you can’t post daily, try to make a schedule and let your readers know of that schedule. For example, you could make them aware that you are going to post every Monday and Thursday. This way they know to visit your blog on those days.

Schedule Posts Of Social Media

Have you ever wondered how people can post so much on social media at set times? It’s because they use an app that allows them to schedule tweets or Instagram posts in advance. These tools are extremely useful as it means you can plan a month’s worth of content in one day and don’t have to think about posting every day. Many big brands or influencers work this way to help make them more productive.

Contact The People You Are Talking About

If you are writing an article about the top restaurants in an area to go to, contact the businesses after you have posted to make them aware of it. When contacting them, ask them to share on their social media channels like Facebook or Twitter. When they share, the hope is that their audience will see that article and want to read it, resulting in your own traffic increasing. Some brands may see this and contact you to work with them. Some will even send you some goodies as a way for you to mention them on your blog. If you are worried about giving out your address, you can look into purchasing a PhysicalAddress and then getting it forwarded to you.

Write About What You Are Interested In

You should never go into blog writing just for the money. It should be a passion of yours that you enjoy doing as a hobby which then happens to bring in some money. When deciding what to write about with your blog, try and find something you are interested in. This way it becomes easier to write posts regularly, instead of struggling to write things because you aren’t interested in them. The more niche your area, the easier it may be to grow the blog to a bigger level.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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