Waking Up Is Hard to Do, But You Can Make it Easier

This post was written with me in mind. No, it actually wasn't, its a post sent in by reader Reachel, but it is so incredibly relevant to my life. I have such a difficult time waking up in the morning. It is one of my biggest struggles in life right now, to be honest, and I need all the help I can get. Hopefully these tips will help, and hopefully I'll remember to actually apply them to my life instead of just reading and moving on.

For many people, waking up is the most challenging part of the day. Sometimes, you feel so groggy, unrested, and unmotivated that you literally have to force your body to get up so you can start the day. But what makes waking up so difficult? 

Waking up can be tough for various reasons; factors such as lifestyle, mental health, medical conditions, and medication can significantly impact your sleep quality and ability to sleep for enough hours. Without sufficient sleep, you won't have enough energy for the day, and you'll struggle to get out of bed.

Your body has an internal clock that tells it to anticipate sleep at night, awaken in the morning, and then stay awake during the day. If that circadian rhythm is disrupted, a sleep annoyance can, in time, become a sleep disorder.

Though having a couple of nights of poor rest is usual, chronic inability to sleep can signify more serious issues. You could be suffering from a sleep disorder like parasomnia, sleep apnea, sleep deficiency, or sleep deprivation. Parasomnia manifests in sleep behaviors like sleepwalking, sleep talking, or experiencing night terrors. Sleep apnea disrupts breathing during sleep and can be dangerous if left untreated.

If you find yourself having difficulty getting out of bed in the morning and want to prevent a more serious condition from developing, don't worry. There are many ways to take control and improve your sleep, including the following.

Reset Your Internal Clock

An internal system known as your internal clock or circadian rhythm regulates your sleep-wake cycle. The body responds naturally to factors such as light that indicate the shift from daytime to nighttime; your circadian rhythm instructs the body to fall asleep when it recognizes this change.

However, several factors can offset your internal clock. To reset it, you can alter your behaviors in the following way:
  • Reduce use of blue-light emitting devices
  • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Cut down on stimulants like caffeine
Invest in the Perfect Mattress

One cornerstone of healthy sleep is your mattress. A comfortable bed is fundamental to both a good night's sleep and a pain-free day filled with energy. Need proof? A study by Oklahoma State University found that sleep quality improved by 55 percent in respondents who bought a new mattress. Also, their back pain was reduced by 48 percent.

You need a mattress that's the right size, thickness, firmness, and material for optimum sleep and accommodates you and your partner's body types. For example, 12 inch king mattress options are perfectly suited for two average adults, and you can choose from air foam, memory foam, latex, gel, and innerspring models.

Let the Light in

Make sure to expose yourself to bright light in the mornings. Sunlight is a great way to align your body with its natural circadian rhythm and naturally boost your mood and energy levels. Open the curtains as soon as you wake up, have a cup of coffee outside, or go for a short walk in the morning to signal to your brain that it's time to wake up and get to work.

Create a Morning Routine You Can Look Forward To

Sleep is fantastic, but so is living. Create a balance between adequate sleep and healthy days. Create a routine that will make your mornings more fulfilling for your mind, body, and spirit. Feeling happier in the morning can be a powerful motivator that can help you get out of bed. For example, you can try meditating in the morning to set your intentions for the day and foster a positive waking experience.

Get More Exercise

Exercise improves muscle strength and improves your body's durability. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to your body, keeping you healthy and energized. Exercise also improves your cardiovascular system; a healthy heart and lungs are critical for adequate energy levels.

Regular exercise can also help you relax and sleep. The energy depletion caused by exercise encourages the recovery processes to occur while you sleep. The increase in body temperature that you experience during exercise helps your body reduce its temperature later while you are sleeping. After a full night's rest, you'll have a far easier time waking up, getting out of bed, and starting another day on the right foot.

Waking Up to Better Health

By improving your sleep quality and making morning just a little more manageable, you can drastically improve both your physical and mental health. While sleeping in just a few more precious minutes in the morning may seem like the solution to your exhaustion, it's better to get to the root of the problem so you can create lasting habits that promote sleep and make mornings more enjoyable.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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