Books With a Purpose That Can Help Shape Your Child’s Future

I like teaching my children emotional resilience and regulation, and I find these skills are able to be taught in a fun and engaging way using books geared towards that purpose. I was asked to share with you readers about these three books from Puppy Dogs and Ice Cream publishing which attempt to do exactly that. Teach them about emotions and how to handle them. Exactly up my alley and hopefully up yours too.

3 Children’s Books to Help Your Child Live Their Best Life

It can be easy to forget that our children are sensitive and emotional beings. Just as they are experiencing the world, they are also taking information in and processing big emotions and new, exciting things. Sometimes, that information can stay with them for long after childhood, and it can have a big impact on the person they grow up to be.

Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream Books is here to ensure that every child has good, strong values to carry with them as they grow, along with strategies and tactics they can use to battle anxiety, stress, and confidence, and strong life-long values and lessons that they can use to live their best lives.

If you’re interested in taking a look at some of the books we have to offer, we’ve broken it all down for you into three sections down below!

For Stress & Anxiety

While you might not realize it, the CDC says that “7.1% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 4.4 million) have diagnosed anxiety.” This is a staggering statistic, and it is certainly something to pay close attention to – especially as your child grows up. For instance, your child might have social anxiety, separation anxiety, general anxiety, or they might simply feel stressed out in what one might consider normal or ordinary situations.

Right Now, I Am Fine, written by Dr. Daniela Owen, Ph.D., is specifically designed to help children learn to deal with everyday stress and overwhelming feelings – specifically those feelings brought on as a result of the pandemic. This book teaches children that there are often experiences outside of our control, and we need to learn to navigate them and live within them as our best selves.

For Learning to Be Your Best Self

Growing up is never an easy feat for a child. With so many different people and experiences that might impact who they become, it’s critically important to ensure that your child knows how to grow into their best selves.

Yes Days No Days 

Just like adults, children have days where everything is sunshine and rainbows, and days where the whole world feels gloomy and grey. And while the causes of these bad moods shouldn’t go unnoticed, it’s important to instill in kids the importance of a positive attitude. This clever book will show, through creative and silly illustrations, just how powerful optimism can be, and how it can turn a day around. Have your child start every day right with these important lessons on positive mental attitude, gratitude, and perspective!

For Life-Long Values & Lessons

Every one of us likely has a book or two from our early childhood that we will always remember. It’s the life-long values, everyday lessons, and heartfelt stories that make a big impact on who children are as a person and how they go on to live their lives. Take a look at three books that provide children with the insight they need into living their lives in happiness.

Zen Pig: The Art of Gratitude

This installment in the critically acclaimed Zen Pig children’s book series by Mark Brown teaches children how to say “thank you.” It teaches them all about gratitude and how important mindfulness and compassion are to living a productive and meaningful life. Adults can take a lesson from the story too!

Through engaging and entertaining stories, it will be easy for children to learn valuable life lessons that they can take with them from childhood to adulthood. Sharing these stories with them and giving them the tools they need to grow up well is just one more way to ensure your child’s success.

About Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream:

Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream is a small, independent children's book publisher based in San Diego, California. They offer a publishing alternative to the traditional publishing model which benefits authors and customers alike. They have a strong belief in supporting American businesses, and all of their books are printed in the US. For more information, please visit

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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