Blog Celebration Giveaway- Free Money- Closed

I've waited so long for this day to arrive! The moment I had hit 50,000 visitors I was all pumped up to celebrate with you, but I was in the middle of a giveaway then, so decided to hold off until the giveaway was finished. (We're past 52,000 already!)

To celebrate with you, I am going to give you the opportunity to get free money. By now, you probably already know all about Swagbucks, the way to make free money by doing your searches on, but if you don't, go check out my previous post all about Swagbucks so you can learn all about the many ways you can get free money doing minimal work.

But no, my celebrating with you isn't just telling you about Swagbucks, because that would be kind of lame, even if Swagbucks is so totally rock my socks off terrific.
No, my celebration giveaway is sponsored by me, courtesy of Swagbucks. I don't have so much extra money to be buying something to give you as a party favor, but Swagbucks, I do have.

I will be giving away $25 in giftcards that I earned via Swagbucks to one lucky winner!

Last giveaway was only for people living in the US and Canada, and only relevant for people with kids in diapers.  This giveaway is different. It can be used for anything under the sun, as carries everything from books to clothing to grocery items to electronics to jewelry to kitchen tools. Seriously, limitless! So, no matter what your stage is in life, this giveaway prize will be good for you.
Oh, and this giveaway is open to anyone and everyone, no matter where you live in the whole wide world. (Provided, of course, that will ship to your country, or that you have a friend in the US who will accept the package and mail it out to you.)
P.S. These gift cards can be used to cover shipping, so there is zero money out of pocket for you if you win these and use them.

Oh, and we get to have fun and learn something about each other in the process.

In addition to being a celebration, the real reason for this giveaway is because I want to learn about my readers, find out who it is exactly that reads my blog and what you're all about. You know me very well, because I tend to share juicy tidbits about myself, my personality, my history and my flaws... but I don't know you so well, but I want to.

In order to enter this giveaway then, you'll need to let me know more about you. That's why the entries to this giveaway are not mainly based on spreading the word about my blog (though I will give one for that). The more you tell me about yourself, the more entries you have to this giveaway.

Giveaway rules?

$25 Dollar Gift Card Giveaway

  • This giveaway will be open until Sunday, August 22, 2010, 11:59 PM EST.
  • Anyone is eligible to enter, no matter where you live.
  • Winner will be chosen via and notified via email. Winner has 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. If I cannot find the email address of the winner, I will chose a new one, so make sure I have your email address when entering.
  • Post a separate comment for each entry. If you post one long comment saying "one entry for this and one entry for that and one entry for that" you'll still only get one entry if it is only in one comment.

Ways to Get Entries
To get one entry to this giveaway, please respond in the comments with the answer to these questions. These questions are all multiple choice. Please answer with one of the available choices listed after the questions.

Gender? Male or Female. I assume most readers here are female. I'm curious to find out if that is true.
Marital Status? Please answer with one of these choices: Single. In a relationship. Engaged. Married. Divorced. Widowed. It's complicated.
Do You Have Kids? Yes. No. Expecting my first. It's Complicated.
Answering these questions is required to be part of the giveaway. All these questions together will give you one entry. (Please don't answer these particular questions in separate comments. These answers all belong in one comment. The other questions get answered in separate comments, not these.)

Additional Entries (not required):
Your Age Range?  Under 20. 21-29. 30-39. 40-49. 50-59. 60+. (One entry.)
How Many Kids Do You Have? 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7+. It's complicated. (One entry.)
Ages Of Your Kids? (One entry.)
What Is Your Annual Combined Income? Less than $20,000. $20,001-35,000. $35,001-50,000. $50,001-75,000. $75,001-100,000. $100,000+. (One entry.)
How Frugal Are You? Go to my quiz to see how frugal you are, and share the title you earned here. (2 entries.)

Share a random fact about yourself. One comment and one entry per random fact. (Up to 3 entries.)

Join Swagbucks using my referral code. (3 entries.)
If you've already joined Swagbucks under me, give yourself 1 entry.

If you haven't already, subscribe to my feed, follow me using Google Friend Connect, become my Fan on Facebook, or follow me on twitter, all for one entry each. (If you're already done this, sorry, no extra entries for this.)

So, lets get this giveaway going.
I'll start by answering all the above questions.

Yes, I have kids.
My kids are nearly 3 and nearly 1. (Both Birthdays in less than a month.)
I'm in the 21-29 year old age range at 22.
Our combined income is under $20,000 annually.
I earned the title Extremely Frugal in my Frugality Quiz.

Random Factoid about myself?
I am a bit of a pyromaniac. Give me fire to play with and I'm entertained for hours!

Now your turn. Lets learn all about you!

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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Thank you for leaving a comment on your blog. Comments are moderated- please be patient to allow time for them to go through. Opposing opinions are permitted, discussion and disagreements are encouraged, but nasty comments for the sole purpose of being nasty without constructive criticisms will be deleted.
Just a note- I take my privacy seriously, and comments giving away my location or religion are automatically deleted too.

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