Menu Plan Monday- In Retrospect

My first week of my "no shop as long as I'll be able to manage it, with the goal of 2+ months" challenge has gone by quickly, and by request, I'm sharing what we ate, or, the menu- in retrospect.
This past week, I supplemented the food in our house by foraging mallow, wild mustard, wild fennel, nettles, lemons, and lavender in addition to getting some bruised tomatoes from the top of a grocery store dumpster. (Don't worry, I washed it well, cut out any icky parts, and cooked it to death. No grossness left.) In addition, I also picked up a container of peanut butter when I was in town yesterday and the price of peanut butter was a third of what it costs at our local store.)

So, what exactly did we eat?

Tuesday- I went shopping and only came back later on in the day. Right after I arrived, a family member we don't see so frequently came for a visit, and I needed to throw something yummy, and healthy together on very short notice, with the caveat that I was trying to impress at the same time. Didn't make it easy, but what I served was:
Angel hair pasta, lentil, tomato and onion green salad, and wild mustard with sauted onions and butter.
Tasted delicious and went over very well. The upside- it took less than 20 minutes to put together, start to finish.

Split pea soup with barley, fennel, and carrots.

Curried cauliflower and potatoes (aloo gobi), wild mustard with tomatoes, yogurt, and garam masala.

Taco night, plus other stuff.
Homemade sourdough bread, mallow, gizzard and potato soup (a variation of a soup called molokhiya), homemade tortillas and the fillings: homemade salsa, spiced and fried cactus paddles (aka nopalitos), seitan stretched ground beef crumbles, refried beans

Guests- for the second time this week!
Homemade carob and potato bread (made up this recipe, but it was so delicious and soft and fluffy!), preserved lemons, refried beans, salsa, mallow and wild mustard pesto, fenugreek dip (aka hilbeh), homemade pickles, bread pudding, spanish rice, breaded chicken cutlets, wild fennel cakes, chocolate cake

Fried spaghetti, spinach, and cactus fritata.

Rice, creamed nettles, and sheep cheese.

Breakfasts were oats with milk or yogurt and fixings, chocolate milk with homemade healthy pop tarts, cream of wheat with fixings, or waffles.

Lunches were leftovers from supper the night before.

Even though I have plenty of food in my pantry, I tried to supplement it as much as possible with foraged foods so that I can have more variety later on in the game and not get bored of foraged foods. I'd say that our meals were definitely varied, tasty, healthy, and best of all, ultra cheap!

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday.

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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