Steps to Building a Better Relationship with Money

This post was written by Nancy Evans, a reader who loves to help people improve their financial situation, through various means.

Does the thought of having more money lead you to believe that you’d have an easier life? If so, you’re not alone. Most people have been taught to believe that the pursuit of riches is ultimately the key to a happy life. While it may seem like the case, if you ask a celebrity who’s reached a certain caliber of financial success, they’ll quickly tell you that money can often create more problems. The truth is, you must change the way you relate to money. You’ll find that it’s a lot easier to achieve true wealth.

Get Real About How You View Money

What kind of money person are you? Are you an impulsive spender who likes to splurge on possessions you may not be able to afford, just to say you have things? Are you the cheapskate who’s so afraid of going into poverty that you barely spend a penny? Or, are you someone who is constantly seeking avenues to make money, no matter how it plays out in your personal/professional life? Each of these, unfortunately, resembles a poor relationship with money which can send you spiraling into debt, going without to be cheap, or so desperate to become rich that you miss out on what life has to offer.

If this sounds like you, fear not, for there are solutions that can help you build a better relationship with money.

Seek Financial Counseling – Financial counselors are professionals trained to help individuals manage their finances and debt. They can essentially teach you financial tools that will assist you in cleaning up old debts and bad behaviors and instead direct you on how to make your money work for you. For those who have strong religious backgrounds, Christian counseling is ideal. Christian financial counselors are ideal for not only teaching you how to manage your money, but how to do so in a way that coincides with your religion, morals, and values.

Think Positive – It’s never a good idea to keep the focus on what you don’t have as it can discourage you from wanting to get more. If you want to start creating financial abundance, you must learn to change your mindset. Any time you’re about to start complaining about the lack of money you have, stop, take a deep breath and turn it into something positive. Though this may take some getting used to, it can be beneficial to motivate you towards change.

Stop Comparing Yourself – Believe it or not, a large portion of some people’s problems with money is that they’re too busy trying to be like everyone else. Wanting to be like the “joneses” and have what you see others have is the quickest way to end up in debt. Instead, develop your own financial goals and dreams and take the proper steps to achieving them.

Change How You Spend – A great way to change your relationship with money is to change how you spend. Instead of buying meaningless material items try to use your money for good. Buy something for someone else, support a cause, give back to a church, or even spend money on precious experiences instead of materialistic things. They can improve your happiness and essentially the way you deal with money.

Don’t be so Attached – Though saving and investing money is ideal for shaping your financial future, being attached to your money to the point that you’re going without or living in poverty is a bit much. As the saying goes, you can’t take it with you, so find ways to spend your money that bring value and goodness to your life. Learn how to be frugal without going overboard so that your money does stretch further.

Yes, money does make the world go around. Without money, you’re unable to purchase the bare necessities, nor are you able to enjoy the luxuries and pleasures out there in the world. Be that as it may, if money has taken up a lot of your brain space, it’s time to do something about it. Changing your relationship with money not only ensures that it goes further, but it allows you to get through life with a little less stress to worry about.

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Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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