6 Job Ideas For Parents

We all need money, unfortunatey, to survive. But when you're a parent, that isn't always so easy. Many jobs do not work well with having a family and can cause big work-life balance issues. Here are some jobs that are more suitable for a parent with little ones.

It can be challenging to find a healthy balance between raising children, holding down a job, and bringing in a decent wage. Many hard-working parents are better off taking a part-time or flexible job that allows them to spend time with their children and satisfies their need to work in a role they enjoy.

Here we look at six exciting job options ideal for busy parents to fit around raising their families.

1: Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is an in-demand job with good pay and a lot of flexibility. It is a good fit for introverts, extroverts and those in between.

Bookkeeping is a role that integrates well with modern technology. Many small businesses and solo entrepreneurs need bookkeepers more than ever to maintain their books while they are busy running their businesses. Thanks to modern bookkeeping software and online banking, using technology can only make your job easier with less physical paperwork to check.

2: Property management

Many landlords use property managers to look after the day-to-day needs of maintaining their properties and looking after their investments. Tasks can involve checking empty properties between tenants and arranging for repairs, redecoration, gas safety inspections and general garden upkeep.

This is a role that offers excellent flexibility for a busy parent because you can arrange property visits around your children's caring hours. So you can inspect properties during school hours or in the evening when your partner can care for your children.

3: Swimming teacher

There can be nothing more rewarding than teaching young children to swim. If you love swimming, it is easy to gain the qualifications you need to set up your own swimming classes.

You will need to enquire with your local leisure centre about booking the pool for regular sessions, and you will need to arrange the appropriate insurance you need to cover yourself.

4: Working as a receptionist

Working as a receptionist is an excellent opportunity for you to demonstrate your multitasking skills. It is an exciting job for a parent as you will be working in a stimulating environment and meeting new people each day.

Many parents take to reception work well as it gives them the chance to interact with other adults. It also allows them to keep up their skills using digital office suites and even step in to support other admin staff and customer service staff with their workload when needed.

5: Dog-sitting or walking

If you love dogs, then setting up your own business as a dog sitter and walker could be your perfect job! It is a job that offers excellent flexibility as you set your own schedule and choose which clients you want to take on.

You can fit in dog walking around dropping off and picking up your children from school, and dog walking is a great way to get your kids out for a bit of fresh air and exercise during school holidays.

6: Administrator or PA

One of the most flexible and rewarding jobs for a parent is to become an administrator or PA. Many roles in administration are done in an office setting, from home, or a mixture of both with a hybrid working schedule. These roles involve having a good working knowledge of modern digital office packages and excellent communication skills.

If your job can be carried out from home, you need to make sure you set aside a specific workspace that's free of distractions. To maximize your productivity, you also need to ensure that there's no clutter. If you simply don't have enough space for all your files, you can contact an offsite storage company like Corodata to help you out. This way, you'll be able to make better use of your space while still having quick access to your files whenever needed. You need to take all the necessary measures to ensure that your home office is a productive space where you can get your creative juices flowing.

The majority of parents want to strike a better work-life balance and be able to spend more time with the family. Working in administration or as a PA is commonly a daytime, Monday to Friday job that can be done during school hours, which is great for parents!

Penniless Parenting

Mommy, wife, writer, baker, chef, crafter, sewer, teacher, babysitter, cleaning lady, penny pincher, frugal gal

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