Showing posts from 2016

Feeling A Bit Like A Fraud

For the past little bit I've been having this thought running through my head- that I'…

Almost All Moved In!

I want to apologize for my long absence from my blog! We got our keys to the brand new apartme…

Moving Day!!

After a whole bunch of snafus, and lots of bureaucracies and technical issues... today I si…

Working Hard on my Cookbook

I want to apologize for neglecting to post on the blog lately... I've literally been eating…

One Bad Week

I was contacted recently by PayPlan , a company who wants to promote awareness of how important …

AT&T Access

By Jeff777BC - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, When my son learns something cool on his own, as an u…

Crafting With Nature

The kids and I recently went to an event that had as its activity green crafting, which was a gr…

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