Showing posts from August, 2010

Frugal Party Foods

Today's the big day- I'm throwing a big birthday bash in honor of my son and doing it …

Frugal Parties

My big boy is nearly 3 and in our culture, this is a big deal. On the 31st of August, we're …

Back To School Deals

As someone planning to homeschool my kids, for now, my life is the same as it will be for the ne…

Homemade Glue

Most people know that a flour and water mixture is used to make paper mache, but are completely …

Window Box Gardening

My dream is to live a self sustainable lifestyle on a homestead one day, growing all my own …

A Sincere Apology

After the events of the last few days, I feel I owe my readers an apology. I underestimated and …

Summer Fatigue

Sometimes you're living your life, only beginning once you're in the middle of it all th…

Cheap Beauty Care

Over the course of her lifetime, the average woman spends 1 million dollars on beauty care. Ok,…

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